The National Association Of Milk Bottle Collectors, Inc.


The National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors is incorporated as a 501 "not for profit" organization whose purpose is the research and dissemination of information in the furtherance of the international hobby of milk bottle collecting. The study and documentation of the history of the fluid milk industry is a defined goal.


The Milk Route a newsletter published monthly since October 1980, is the official publication of the National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors. It contains a wide variety of articles, dairy histories, illustrations, members classified ads, mystery bottles and show calendar.

An Annual Convention held in Hershey, Pennsylvania provides an opportunity for members to buy, sell and display bottles and related memorabilia. A general meeting, program, auction and banquet play a part in the convention.

Educational and Service Activities - A nationally recognized slide/video presentation, illustrating the development and variety of milk bottles and go-withs, is available to members. A membership directory is included as part of the membership fee.


Dues: $20.00 per year for an individual, Canadian funds: $22.00, Overseas (Air Mail): $25.00. This includes a subscription to the The Milk Route and membership directory. Two year memberships accepted.

If you'd like more information you can contact:

18 Pond Place
Cos Cob, CT 06807

or e-mail:

Borden Dairy Workers - Early 1900'S

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